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S.A.F.F.O.K. INC Is An Australian Not-For-Profit, NGO, Social/Community Welfare & Education Charity.


We donate Early Education tools to school's & family take home packs to assist struggling low income families. We also set up fundraisers for natural disasters, charity & community causes. Family take home packs, that consist of a mix of personal hygene, home, long life food products.  


Australia is made up of many different cultures. Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander's hold the secrets to Australia's first culture (we still have so much to learn), followed by white settlers, then Australia has had inflations of immigrants from all different cultures, countries & indigenous peoples. We are a very lucky & fortunate country. In which people from all over the world want to come & set up a life here. All communities consist of many different ages, cultures, origins, upbringings, wealth, social & education circumstances. So S.A.F.F.O.K. INC's culture is to not only protect & respect Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander's culture but all Australian's cultures. We need to protect & respect all environments, cultures, ages, human rights, animal welfare & people's way of life. We Do Not Discriminate!


Our Values


We are endlessly focused on assisting, developing & rebuilding communities. We're striving to better educate, inform & engage communities on a grass-roots level. 


In certain unsteady times, community organisations or charities are regularly going unrecognised & struggling. Not only are these wonderful Australian causes suffering, often losing local support & going unrecognised as well. So we are losing Australian welfare, jobs & trade skills, whilst adding to larger LOCAL social & economic problems.


Our Values are to help these struggling Australian community organisations, charities & the general community. We plan on strengthening community engagement, in turn bringing the communities closer together & building new relationships.


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We at S.A.F.F.O.K. INC are aware this is very ambitious & we have alot of ongoing work to do.  We believe along with YOU & YOUR COMMUNITIES HELP, these are very achievable targets.


By introducing new innovative ways of living, the flow on affect will create many jobs,  better education, skills, trades, exports & build stronger communities. Meanwhile creating renewable energies, protecting our precious natural resources, enviroment, minimising local climate change & reducing our carbon footprint.


We have assembled a strong, passionate, caring, helping, understanding, professional team. Along with many teams of volunteers from all over our beautiful country. To regularly travel around Australia holding charity events for the little known charities who are desperately in NEED, all of the local ongoing support they can get. Our Team is constructed of many people offering help in many ways.


At S.A.F.F.O.K. INC we want all the focus to be aimed at the charties or projects we are working on at the time.


We do want to thank all of our staff & volunteer's for thier very hard work & ongoing support. For many years to come.







Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


Further Branches To Open Australia Wide


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